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Scope of intervention

The Natura 2000 network is the world’s largest network of protected areas. Spain has one of the highest percentages of its surface area included in the Natura 2000 Network, with over 138,000km2 protected. In the sea, it covers more than 84,300km2, which is approximately 8% of the total water area.

Visor Cartográfico

The area consists of Sites of Community Importance (SCI), which are designated as Special Preservation Areas (SPA) once their management plans are approved. The Natura 2000 Network comprises Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPAs).

The protection figures aim to safeguard the natural values of these areas in the long term and ensure the sustainability of the activities conducted within them.

Spain has 272 marine-terrestrial sites in the Natura 2000 Network, which is one of the most extensive and scientifically well-defined networks in Europe:

272 marine-terrestrial sites

Special Preservation Areas – Sites of Community Importance


Special Protection Areas for Birds

Spain has achieved 12% of protected marine areas thanks to the declaration of additional types of protection.

The LIFE INTEMARES project offers a distinctive opportunity to promote and explore the potential of the marine areas within the Natura 2000 Network. These areas can serve as reference points for a research-based model that is committed to conserving marine values and resources.

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